Sweet Orange Rolls

Sweet Orange Rolls

Brenda simply tweaks her Favorite Dough Recipe to create these Sweet Orange Rolls.

Sweet Orange Rolls

To a large mixing bowl, add:

1 3/4 cups warm water 

1/4 cup orange juice

4 tsp yeast

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup potato flakes

2 1/4 cups flour

2 Tbsp orange zest

Stir until combined, then mix each in individually:

4 Tbsp butter, softened

2 eggs

1 1/2 tsp salt

2 cups flour

Dough should be somewhat “shaggy” indicating that it’s thickened enough to knead. Clean spoon and begin to knead, sprinkling in:

1 Tbsp increments flour, totaling 1/4-1/2 cup

Knead for about 10 minutes or until dough “blisters” and is soft and elastic. Cover.

  1. Let rise 45 minutes. 

  2. Shape, some possibilities:

    • Round rolls

    • Bowknot rolls

    • Leaf design (see Window to B’s kitchen . . . below)

  3. Proof 45 minutes. 

  4. Bake at 350F for 16-20 minutes. While baking, prepare:

Orange Glaze

To a small mixing bowl, add:

2 Tbsp butter, melted

2 Tbsp orange juice

1 tsp orange zest

1 cup powdered sugar

Stir until smooth.

Remove baked orange rolls from oven. Glaze immediately.

Let rest 5 minutes, then serve.

Brenda’s tips:

  • New to kneading? Check out Brenda's HOW TO: Knead Yeast Dough post.

  • Brenda always recommends allowing any and all yeast baked goods to rest five minutes after baking. If you cut into a loaf prior to the five minutes, the loaf will "steam," causing the interior to clump and an inferior crumb to result. Wait five minutes and the loaf will cut cleanly and have a smooth open crumb.

  • Need to save some? Enclose in an airtight container or bag and freeze. Even if you're serving only 24 hours after baking. To thaw, remove from freezer about 1-2 hours prior to serving. 

  • Proof means to allow the yeast to work (aka let the dough rise)

  • Yeast is a living organism. In order for yeast to cause the dough to rise, you must respect the ingredient and not kill the yeast early by:

    • burning it: too hot water

    • smothering it: butter/oil direct on yeast that hasn't yet bloomed will coat the yeast

    • poisoning it: salt added directly to yeast that hasn't bloomed

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