Cream Puffs

Use a few pantry staples to put together these light-as-air puffs and fill them with anything delicious!

Cream Puffs

  • Begin preheating oven to 400F

  • Prepare a baking sheet by spritzing lightly with non-stick spray, set aside

To a small saucepan add:

1/2 cup water

1/4 cup butter

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and dump in:

1/2 cup flour

Stir briskly, after about one minute the mixture should form into a ball. Remove from heat. Beat in individually:

2 eggs

Continue to stir until mixture is smooth. Using two small spoons, form the batter into puffs, placing two inches apart on the prepared baking sheet. Bake at 400F for 22-25 minutes, until beautifully golden. Transfer to cooling rack and allow to cool completely.

Slice open - but not apart. Fill with your favorite filling. Recommended:

Drizzle with:

Dust with:

  • Powdered sugar

Brenda tips:

  • Serving size: 10-15 puffs, depending on size

  • These cream puffs can also be filled with savory fillings and are very delicious paired with chicken salad

Window to B’s kitchen . . .

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