Brigham Young Donuts (Cake Donuts)

Brigham Young Donuts (Cake Donuts)

These delicious cake donuts are a favorite tradition for Brenda and her family. During The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint’s semi-annual General Conference Sessions the first weekend of April and October, Brenda’s mom would makes these as a special General Conference breakfast. Brenda has carried the tradition with her to the different places she has lived, and hopes you make them part of your family traditions too!

Brigham Young Donuts (Cake Donuts)

To your favorite mixing bowl, add in order:

1 cup milk, warmed to about 80F

1/4 cup potato flakes

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

5 tsp oil

3/4 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp nutmeg

Whisk together, then stir in:

1/2 tsp salt

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

2 1/4 cup flour

Knead 30 times (similar to biscuit dough).

While kneading, add: 

1 Tbsp flour increments, up to 1/2 cup

Let rest 10 minutes.

While resting…

Heat oil:

  • Use an electric fryer, set to 360-375F

  • Or, fill a medium pot with 2-3" of oil, turn heat to medium

Prepare a cookie sheet covered with a clean dish towel.

Prepare a cake pan covered with paper towels or clean paper sacks.

Roll dough out on a lightly floured silicone mat or countertop, roll to about 3/4" thick. Using a donut cutter, cut donut rounds and set on the towel covered cookie sheet.

Fry in small batches:

  • Carefully drop donut into hot oil

  • Let cook until the area just above the oils surface begins to brown, then flip

  • Cook for 2-3 minutes on the other side.

  • Carefully remove from the hot oil, placing on the paper lined pan

 Cool enough to frost and then enjoy.

 Brenda’s Tips:

  • Serving size: 12 donuts, standard size. Recipe can be multiplied.

  • Brenda recommends slicing the donut like a bun and putting the frosting in the middle to make a delicious donut sandwich! Her favorite combinations:

  • No donut cutter? Use a biscuit cutter for the outer circle and a small medicine bottle to punch out the center.

Ma's Fudge Frosting

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