Elevated Mississippi Mud Brownies

Elevated Mississippi Mud Brownies

Once you try these, you’ll realize you’ve never really experienced decadence - until this moment - and you’ll immediately want to make them again. And again.

Elevated Mississippi Mud Brownies

Step 1: Hot Fudge Sauce

In a two quart saucepan, combine:

3/4 cup sugar

3 Tbsp cocoa

1 tsp shortening

2 tsp corn syrup

1/8 tsp salt

1/4 cup milk

Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, until the mixture reaches a mild rolling boil. Reduce heat to low, simmer, without stirring, heating to soft ball stage (235F)*. Remove from heat.

Drop on top but don't mix yet:

5 Tbsp cold butter

Cool to lukewarm (maximum temp 110F), then blend at medium speed with an electric mixer until sauce is creamy. Set aside.

Step 2: Brenda Brownies

To your favorite mixing bowl add:

2 cups sugar

1/2 cup cocoa

Stir well, then cream in:

1 cup butter, softened

Next add:

1 tsp vanilla 

1 tsp salt 

4 eggs, mixing well after each

Finally, stirring until just incorporated, add:

2 cups flour 

Set oven to 350F. Spoon about half the batter into a greased 13x9 pan, sprinkle with:

3/4 cup miniature marshmallows

1/4 cup chocolate chips

Spoon and smooth the remaining batter evenly over the top.

Bake for 22-27 minutes, or until tests done with a toothpick.

Step 3: Finishing Touches

Over the top of the cooked brownies, sprinkle:

1 cup miniature marshmallows

Drizzle the prepared:

Hot Fudge Sauce

Evenly over the entire surface. Serve immediately, or allow the brownies to cool and the fudge to set (approximately 6 hours).

Brenda’s tips:

  • Servings: 12 - 24

  • *Soft ball test: grab a small bowl and add about 1/2 cup cold water. After the sauce has cooked at a rolling boil for a few minutes and appears to have thickened somewhat, drop a spoonful into the cold water. If you can push it into a ball with your fingertip, the sauce has reached soft ball stage. If it dissolves, the sauce needs to cook longer. Test again after a few more minutes of boiling. The sauce reaching this stage is dependent on variables such as the humidity in your kitchen. Sometimes it can be reached in 5 minutes and at other times it takes nearly 20. 

Window to B’s kitchen . . .

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