Homemade Croutons

Homemade Croutons

Have a loaf of slightly stale bread you don’t know what to do with? Or, more fresh bread than you can eat? This is a great way to use it up.

Homemade Croutons

Preheat skillet to medium low (3/10).

Cut bread into 1/2-1" cubes to make

2-3 cups bread cubes

To hot skillet, add:

1 Tbsp oil

Use a spatula to spread oil over full surface. 

Pour in:

Cubed bread

Using spatula, move bread around skillet and flip cubes over to absorb a light coating of oil.

Lightly season with:

Garlic salt

Favorite dried herbs or spices

Cook for 30 seconds and then flip cubes over. Repeat until cubes are lightly toasted on all sides.

Cool completely and serve in salad or soup.

Brenda’s tips:

  • Serving size: 4 servings

  • Making croutons is a lot like making toast, only the bread is in smaller pieces. As the cubes toast, they'll dry slightly to achieve that deliciously crisp crunch that so perfectly compliments a salad.

  • Don't be tempted to turn the heat too high - - - you'll just end up with charcoaled bits. Keep it at medium low for golden croutons.

Window to B’s Kitchen…

Step #1: Slice bread into cubes

Step #2: Add cubed bread to heated and oil-coated skillet

Step #3: Season and cook until toasted

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