Custard Ice Cream Base

Custard Ice Cream Base

In 2014, the NY Times posted an article titled The Master Ice Cream Recipe. In this article, the authors suggest that to have the ideal ice cream making experience you need to find a standard custard recipe you love and then add mix-ins to create your desired flavor combinations.

The benefit of this approach to ice cream making is that you'll gain practice making the recipe. Practice = confidence. Confidence = speed. It's a brilliant strategy to reach ice cream heaven.

Brenda has adapted the New York Times custard recipe to fit her preferences.

This recipe uses a 1.5 qt capacity ice cream machine (works in 2qt)

Before beginning this recipe, make sure the ice cream machine removable bowl is in the freezer, freezing.

Custard Ice Cream Base (cooking required ~ contains eggs)


6 eggs

  • Whites: place in airtight container and store in refrigerator (see Brenda’s Tips for usage suggestions)

  • Yolks: place in a bowl, set aside for use in this recipe.

To a medium cooking pot, add:

2 cups heavy cream

1 cup milk

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/8 tsp salt

Bring to a low simmer over medium heat (setting 5/10), whisking continuously until sugar dissolves. Remove pot from heat.

Return attention to the separated eggs, to temper:

6 yolks

Whisk. Continue stirring briskly while pouring in:

~1 Tbsp hot cream (prepared above)

Whisk until smooth, then repeat stirring in “~1 Tbsp hot cream” until approximately 1/3 of the hot cream has been added to the yolks. Note: 1/3 is ~16 Tbsp or 1 cup of the hot liquid.

Finally, whisk this mixture back into the pot containing the remaining 2/3 of hot cream to create the custard.

Return pot of custard to heat, set to medium-low (setting 3/10). 

Keep whisking.

Continue gently heating until the mixture reaches ~170F (food safe for eggs) at which time it will coat the back of a spoon (if no thermometer available). Remove from heat.

Transfer custard to a resealable container. Place a length of plastic wrap directly on the top of the cooked custard to prevent a crust from forming. 

Refrigerate for 12-24 hours. Note: ice cream machine removable bowl needs to freeze for ~24 hours. After elapsed time:

  1. Place frozen mixing bowl in ice cream machine

  2. Turn machine on

  3. Pour cold mixture into machine bowl

  4. Allow machine to mix until desired texture is created

Serve immediately or store in freezer.

Brenda’s tips:

  • Serving size: 2 quarts

  • Feel free to reduce the eggs. Remember that it isn't custard without eggs . . . less eggs can cause a loss of rich, creaminess. 

  • Recipe suggestions for extra egg whites: 

    • Angel food cake

    • Egg-white omelets

    • Coconut Maccaroons

    • Extra egg-white for waffles or pancakes: will make them extra fluffy

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