Slow & Steady Style Lasagna

Slow & Steady Style Lasagna

There's Quick Lasagna, tasty and plenty filling. Then there is Slow & Steady Style Lasagna, where every bite is perfection. Both are great to know . . .

The highlight of this lasagna is the delicate handmade pasta sheets.

Slow & Steady Style Lasagna

Step 1: Make pasta for lasagna noodles

  • Recommendation: if available, use a food processor to make the dough

  • Don't have a pasta roller? Brenda strongly recommends making Manicotti Crepe Noodles to replace the pasta sheets in this lasagna, it will taste just as amazing

To a mixing bowl, add:

1/2 tsp salt

2 cups flour

Sift together, then stir in:

3 eggs

3 tsp water

Knead until dough is elastic (food processor: pulse until dough is smooth).

Divide dough into 7 equal portions. Let rest 1-2 hours.

Step 2: Make Sauce

Make one batch of Brenda’s Spaghetti (or Lasagna) Sauce

To the sauce, add:

1/2 cup water

1 (7 oz) can mushroom pieces, chopped (optional)

Bring to a light boil & cover. Simmer until time to assemble lasagna.

Step 3: Put together cottage cheese mixture

In a medium bowl, combine:

16 oz cottage cheese

1 egg

1 Tbsp parsley, dried

Stir together until combined. Set aside.

Step 4: Make Sauce

Make one batch of Creamy Garlic Sauce, set aside.

Step 5: Gather remaining ingredients

8 oz cheese, shredded

1 (15 oz) can spinach, drained (optional)

Set aside.

Step 6: Prepare pasta sheets

Add cold water to a large mixing bowl, set aside. *To be used to cool the cooked pasta.

To a large pot add:

3-4 quarts water

2 tsp salt

Bring to a boil. 

While waiting to boil, roll each of the 7 dough balls into a rectangular sheet, approximately 13"x9." 

  • If available, use a pasta machine: 

    • Run each sheet of pasta through at each number setting, flouring sheet lightly between rolls   

      • Expected that final roll will be setting 7 (out of 8)

      • Dual purpose of rolling pasta and developing delicate texture

    • Roll each sheet to be ~5"x 26" then cut in half to create two ~5"x13" strips

      • 14 strips will be enough to cover the 13"x9" pan for the 7 layers

  • If no pasta roller, Brenda strongly recommends making Manicotti Crepe Noodles instead of lasagna noodles

Boil sheets/strips in small batches for 1 minute. Remove from boiling water and put in cold water until all pasta is cooked and cooled. Drain.

Step 7: Assemble lasagna

In a greased 13"x9" baking dish, layer as follows:

  1. Sauce

  2. Noodle sheet/strips

  3. 1/2 cottage cheese mix

  4. Noodle sheet/strips

  5. Sauce

  6. Spinach (optional)

  7. Cheese

  8. Noodle sheet/strips

  9. 1/2 Creamy Garlic Sauce

  10. Noodle sheet/strips

  11. Remaining cottage cheese mix

  12. Noodle sheet/strips

  13. Sauce

  14. Cheese

  15. Noodle sheet/strips

  16. Remaining Creamy Garlic Sauce

  17. Noodle sheet/strips

  18. Sauce

All ingredients should be distributed evenly so that each layer completely covers the full 13"x9" surface.

Step 8: Cook lasagna

Bake at 350F for 60-70 minutes. 

Making ahead? Prepare 12-24 hours in advance, once assembled cover tightly with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until baking time. Swap plastic for aluminum foil. Place in cold oven, set to 350F and bake for 65-75 minutes.

 Brenda’s Tips:

  • Serving size: 8-12 servings

  • This lasagna is totally worth the work!

  • Brenda and John both prefer the Slow & Steady style. It has many similarities to the Quick Style but the homemade noodles give it incredible flavor throughout the delicate structure.

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