Braised Beef (or Short Ribs)

Braised Beef (or Short Ribs)

When I lived in Salt Lake City, UT I made it a point to visit Brenda + John in Victor at least 2-3 times a year. The drive took 4 hours. I remember the drive being a lot of wide open spaces (CUE THE DIXIE CHICKS’ SONG, PLEASE + THANK YOU) and ever-changing with the seasons.

Visiting Victor in the summer is always a treat, but this seemed even more magical. Something about living in Austin, far from mountains and family, made this visit feel a lot more like I was going home. This dish is something we ate during this trip - so now whenever my stomach needs a little taste of home, this is what I make.

Braised Beef (or Short Ribs)

On the stovetop, bring an oven-safe skillet or shallow pot to medium heat.

Toss together, then add to heated skillet:

1 Tbsp oil

12-16 oz steak, cut into 1/4” strips

Brown beef, seasoning with:

Garlic Powder

Seasoned Salt

Stir in then bring to a boil:

1 cup juice, either apple or grape

1 tsp lemon juice

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

2 cups beef broth

Cover dish and put in 325F oven. Check after one hour, the liquid should be reduced by about half. If lower, add more liquid.

Cover again and cook one additional hour. The steak should fall apart at the touch of a knife. Remove from oven and serve hot.

Brenda’s Tips:

  • After two hours of cooking, the three cups of liquid should reduce to approximately one cup. This liquid can be thickened into a sauce to serve over mashed potatoes or rice.

  • Brenda prefers to use round steak which is considered one of the tougher cuts of steak, often making it reasonably priced. Braising will develop the flavors and tenderize the steak.

  • This is a great recipe to use for short ribs.

Mashed Potatoes

Mashed Potatoes

Non-Vodka Cream Sauce

Non-Vodka Cream Sauce