Apple Pie

Apple Pie

Fresh Apple Pie

Step 1: Prepare Crust

Make dough for one 9” bottom pie shell (uncooked), select recipe 1, 2 OR 3 for the pie crust based on your preference (Brenda uses the Pie Crust for High Elevation). Roll out dough and place in a regular depth pie plate.

Do not bake or poke with a fork. Cover & set aside.

Step 2: Prepare apple filling

Peel, core & slice into a large mixing bowl:

6-9 apples, Yellow Delicious variety recommended

Set aside.

In a small mixing bowl, combine:

1/3 cup flour

1/3 cup sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

1/3 tsp nutmeg

Sift together, then sprinkle over sliced apples. Toss with apples to evenly coat. Layer apples in prepared pie shell, packing slices in tightly as they will bake down.

Step 3: Cover with a top crust OR streusel topping

Preheat oven to 350F.

Option 1: Top crust

Roll out one 9” top crust. Hand cut design or slit to allow release of air.

Cover apples in shell with prepared top crust. Crimp edges together by pressing thumb from right hand between thumb & forefinger of left hand, catching both the top and bottom crust in the middle. Brush top with:

~1 Tbsp heavy cream (or milk)

and sprinkle liberally with:

~1 Tbsp sugar

Option 2: Streusel Topping

To a small bowl, add:

1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup (1/2 square) butter

Using a fork, cut together until a fine sandy mixture results. Sprinkle handfuls over the apples in the crust.

Step 4: Bake

Bake at 350F for 60 minutes.

  • Option 1: a golden brown top crust with slight caramelization (from the sugar) and fork-tender apples

  • Option 2: the streusel will crisp up and fork-tender apples

Brenda’s tips:

  • Serving size: one 9” pie, approximately 8 slices

  • Whenever using Streusel Topping, Brenda clumps the sandy mixture in fistfuls and places dime-sized chunks over surface. This creates a delicious texture on the finished pie.

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