Angel Food Cake

Angel Food Cake

A few notes before making an Angel Food Cake: a successful execution of this recipe depends solely on respecting the egg whites!

  • When separating eggs, follow the directions in this HOW TO: Separate Egg Whites post

  • Only use metal or glass bowls and utensils

  • DO NOT add any grease to anything, especially the tube pan

  • Beat to stiff peaks with none or very few stops

  • Be careful not to deflate when adding dry ingredients

Angel Food Cake

Step 1: Create flour mixture

To a small mixing bowl, add:

1 cup flour

1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

1/4 tsp salt

Combine using a whisk, reducing any lumps to powder. Set aside.

Step 2: Separate eggs

Following the steps in this HOW TO: Separate Eggs post, separate

One dozen eggs

  1. You do not need the egg yolks for this recipe. Place the egg yolks in a resealable container and store immediately in the refrigerator. See the “Brenda’s tips” section below for ideas on how to use the egg yolks.

  2. Using a metal or glass measuring cup, measure out

    1 1/2 cup of egg whites

Step 3: Whip the egg whites

To a stand mixer, add:

1 1/2 cup egg whites (from Step 2)

1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar

Using the whisk attachment, beat on high speed until frothy. Continue beating while carefully pouring into the bowl:

1 cup sugar

Continue to beat on high speed until stiff peaks form. Stop mixer and remove bowl from stand.

Pour over the top of beaten whites:

1 1/2 tsp vanila

1/4 tsp almond extract (optional)

~1/4 mix of flour & powdered sugar

Using a large metal spoon, fold together.

*Caution: don’t overmix or the egg whites will deflate.

Continue to add:

~1/4 of the flour & powdered sugar mix (from Step 1)

Fold in & repeat until combined.

Pour into tube pan and bake at 375F for 35-40 minutes, until the top is dry.

Remove from oven and invert over a plate, allowing to cool completely. Once cooled, use a sharp knife to “trim” the cake out of the pan, running the knife around the outer edge and then lifting out the inner tube and trimming around the center tube and top of the cake.

Place cake on serving platter and serve with any combo of the following:

Brenda’s tips:

  • Serving size: 12-24 (one tube pan)

  • This recipe was originally shared with Brenda by her cousin, Ron

  • Special thanks to Natalie’s chickens for providing the eggs for the photos in this recipe, and to Natalie for providing those photos

  • Use the leftover egg yolks to make any of the following:

    • Ice Cream, custard style

    • Lemon or Lime Curd

    • Pudding, vanilla or chocolate or even rice pudding

    • Add one or two to scrambled eggs

      • Note: egg yolks have a short shelf life once divided, only 2-3 days refrigerated

Window to B’s kitchen . . .

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HOW TO: Separate Eggs

HOW TO: Separate Eggs